I’m out of the woods and back to work, everyone! (My dislike of mosquitoes has been once again confirmed ⏤ while I understand how important of a role mosquitoes play in many ecosystems, I have so much sympathy for the people who want to deliberately drive them extinct. So much sympathy.) Anyhow, I’ve got a couple of fun news items for you all!

  • First off, the publisher’s pack combined audiobook for Books 1 & 2 is being released on August 20th! You can check out the audiobook cover below ⏤ I’m definitely a fan!
  • Second, I’ll be sending out the manuscript for Book 3, A Traitor in Skyhold, out for editing in the next day or so. (I meant to have it out today, but I’ve been working on the finishing touches for about eleven hours today, and my brain is done for the day, folks. Just a couple more chapters to go back over before I’m done, so it shouldn’t take too long tomorrow.) I’m super excited about this one, folks. Writing this one has really kicked my butt, so I’m extra happy to have the finish line so close in sight. If everything goes well, A Traitor in Skyhold will hopefully be coming out around the same time as the audiobook.

More really soon, everyone!

John Bierce

One Comment

  1. bob fox July 12, 2019 at 4:55 am

    cool good luck

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