So I know I was hoping to get book 5 out by the end of the year, but 2020’s been kicking my butt too hard. I think it’s more reasonable to expect it early next year, probably sometime around February. I’m still plugging away at it, though!
Oh, and fun but random: an old college buddy of mine reviewed The Wrack on his film & soda review blog, you should check it out! (And check out some of his other reviews, too.)
John Bierce
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Honestly, i just found you and your books half a year ago and I am kind of amazed by your writing speed – your books are SO amazing, just take your time! Greetings from Germany :)
I am truly excited that it is coming out so soon. I have fully enjoyed the first 3 books and I am starting the 4th today. They all have a charm to them that I am attracted to, so keep up the good work.
Can’t wait to read it when it comes out. Take care of yourself Mr Bierce!
2020 is kicking a lot of folks’ butts. Mine included. Take it easy and prioritize mental health!
Sounds great. I don’t suppose you might be willing to post an early chapter from book 5 on Patreon for the last month of the year?
Hmmm. I’ll think about it, but I’m not sure I’m ready to have anyone see anything just yet.